WordPress Website FAQs

Find answers to commonly asked questions here

Pre-developed Themes

We follow the specific project requirements for all development work, we can develop a custom theme for your website or can develop your website on top of your chosen pre-made theme.

Yes, we have a range of pre-developed themes which we can present to you based on the type of website you plan to develop. You can then pick of these themes for your website.

To keep the development cost to a minimum for our clients, we try to use free plugins wherever possible. However, some required functionality may only be available in paid plugins and we may need to make use of such plugins, unless you instruct us to develop the required functionality into the theme without the need of a plugin.

Yes you would be expected to bear the cost for any premium or paid plugin that is required to provide your desired functionality in your WordPress website.


Yes, we can deploy your website to your hosting server for you.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Yes, we offer SEO services for WordPress websites. Please get in touch with us to discuss this in detail.

Investing in SEO is a wise move for your business. You can increase traffic without having to pay for every click with search engine optimization. A PPC ad will charge you for each click that leads to your website. This traffic, however, is essentially free (at least in terms of a CPC) if your website ranks organically on the search engines. In order to rank a website on the SERPs, it is necessary to invest in skills and resources.

Do you know that Google penalizes websites that violate its webmaster guidelines? Webmasters are subject to two types of penalties: 1. Manual action penalties 2. Algorithmic penalties (adjustments) It isn't a penalty; it's an adjustment. As a result of the algorithm (for example, the Panda and Penguin algorithms) identifying manipulation, a site's ranking changes. Manual Actions "Google Penalties are manual actions, meaning they are a human-driven process. When a site receives a penalty, it's the result of a real person working for Google and reviewing the case." Algorithmic Adjustments "Algorithmic filtering, on the other hand, is a fully automated part of Google’s ranking algorithm. Google’s set of software and algorithms can detect a certain number of manipulations, or what they consider to be manipulations, on any part of a website and “filter” this site accordingly. You don’t receive any messages or alerts if your site loses positions as a result of algorithmic filtering."

Social Media Marketing

Yes, we offer social media marketing services, please contact us to discuss your social media marketing needs.

Social media has changed the world. In fact, social media accounts for 30% of all time spent online (and counting). Getting in front of people is easier with social media. There are a few things we can help you with, whether you are interested in brand awareness, sponsored content, or a combination of both.

Gerneral WordPress

A WordPress theme is written in PHP script to make it dynamic, and CSS is used to style it. In most cases, plugins can add additional functionality. A wordpress.org blog can be accessed via a vast number of plugins. Mostly customization is done through CSS 98% of the time.

Although WordPress is free, open-source web software, you will need a web hosting plan to use it. To make setting up and maintaining your website easy, we recommend investing in a managed WordPress website hosting plan instead of a shared hosting plan.

No, absolutely not! Because WordPress has plenty of feature-rich themes and plugins to make changing your wordpress website easy, most WordPress users are not developers.

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