Is WordPress or Shopify Better For SEO

Is WordPress or Shopify Better For SEO

The Shopify vs. WordPress comparison is one of several eCommerce platforms available on the market, and it comes as a rescue for many E-merchants.
If you are confused about which one is better, then there is no need to look any further because you have come to the right place. Our goal in this article is to compare Shopify vs. WordPress in a straightforward yet insightful way for your consideration.

Whether you choose to create an online store on Shopify or WordPress, it is still a smart move to start selling on multiple channels as soon as you have made your online store. You will likely drive more sales revenues if you sell on global marketplaces. In addition, you will be able to reach a massive audience of potential customers. By selecting a multi-channel selling tool suitable for your needs, you can manage, sync, and store your data all in one place.

SEO Vitality

There is no doubt that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is vital to the success of any website. Many factors can hinder you from getting significant traffic or sales if you are not visible in search results. You can use Adwords or social ads to drive traffic – but organic search results are often vital to long-term success.

With WordPress, you can configure its technical SEO setup exactly how you want it. As an example of this, we can look at the hosting industry. It would help if you chose a fast hosting server to have a good page speed. However, as WordPress can be hosted on any server, you can select a high-speed server. Shopify, on the other hand, even though operates on secured servers it doesn’t give you this flexibility.

Creating your ultra-fast hosting setup can benefit you since page speed is a ranking signal in Google search results. If you’ve configured your site correctly and used high-quality hosting, WordPress can be the winner in a Shopify vs. WordPress debate. Compared to other platforms, Shopify offers less flexibility when it comes to technical SEO and doesn’t let you choose where your content is hosted. Still, the platform is very robust from a search engine optimisation perspective.

Shopify SEO

Shopify has good SEO functionality that helps you create content that search engines will love and would rank highly. It is unnecessary to have any specific skills to do this. As a result of this enhancement, users can edit meta titles and descriptions, add 301 redirects, change the URLs of pages, and more. Shopify even offers SEO best practices when adding products to your store.
A wide range of Shopify apps and add-ons help optimise your store and ensure its ranking on Google and Bing. Our recommendations about the best Shopify SEO apps are a great place to start if you’re having trouble selecting an app.
With Shopify, your website and URLs have to follow a predetermined order that Shopify has predetermined. Being able to create custom URLs is essential if you want your site to be fully optimised.
Additionally, if you try to create a subcategory within the root blogs, you will not be able to do so. You will have to create a new category instead of the existing one. There are now multiple URLs for a page, leading to several problems as a result.

WordPress SEO

Because WordPress is mainly used as a blogging platform, SEO is one of the most important aspects it focuses on.
There is probably a reason why you can use Jetpack Essentials on any plan (even the free one), thanks to the Jetpack plugin.
It provides some SEO and social-sharing tools and performance tools that have become increasingly important ranking factors, as Jetpack Essentials (a series of functions to help optimise your site and protect it from spam comments) is a set of tools that help you optimise your site. If you have a Business plan, you will have much more control over the SEO of your website since you will be able to install other SEO plugins, such as Yoast SEO, into your website.
The SEO options offered by Shopify are not as optimised as those provided by WordPress since WordPress is primarily a blogging platform. Even so, Shopify is an SEO-friendly platform where you can improve your SEO with many apps and add-ons besides its basic functionality.

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